Homeless & Feeding Ministries
Erie’s Homeless population are hurting and often feel helpless. Organizations all across the city are working to provide hope, restore dignity, and provide necessary resources to help people get back on their feet.

St. Mark’s and Erie Episcopal delivers over 300 lunches each month to organizations working directly with this population.
Additionally, St. Mark’s and Erie Episcopal are proud to partner with several local organizations to help meet additional needs and resource other organizations by providing volunteers. We are so thankful for these organizations who share our mission and help to change so many people’s lives.
Third Saturday Supper at the Cathedral
The Erie Community Foundation awarded the Homeless Team a grant totaling $12,900 to support the development of a Saturday Supper program at the Cathedral. Currently, in Erie, underserved people are unable to receive a meal on Saturday evenings. This grant will enable us to begin offering a hot meal, once a month to our neighbors who need it most.
Third Saturday Suppers will be held on September 21, October 19, and November 16. To volunteer for the next upcoming supper or for more information, please contact Pastor Sarah. This project is made possible by a grant from The Erie Community Foundation.

Saturday Meals to the Homeless
Erie Episcopal provides meals to 150-200 people on the second and fourth Saturday of each month. Please join us at the Cathedral starting at 10:00 A.M. We prepare sandwiches and pack bags that are distributed to various agencies, local parks, and homeless camps throughout the city. If you are interested in helping or would like to know more, please contact the Rev. Sarah Brock.

The Haven
The Haven is a local outreach located on East 12th Street that has served Erie for 30 years. Every night, 21 men with no place to go find a place to stay at the Haven. Meals are only provided on the weekends. We pack bag lunches of sandwiches and other items to be taken to them. Everything is provided; we simply need help to make sandwiches and pack the bags!
Additionally, St. Mark’s donates winter gloves each year. Over 100 pairs of gloves help keep people warm through the Erie winters.
Emmaus Soup Kitchen
All are welcome at Emmaus Soup Kitchen – no questions asked. They serve a nutritious, hot meal 5 days a week to over 200 guests who range in age from infants to seniors. Some are homeless; many live in single rooms with no cooking facilities. All who come need something Emmaus has to offer – nourishment for the body and care for the soul.
St. Mark’s volunteers on the last Wednesday of each month. Help is needed serving the meal and cleaning up. Volunteers are currently needed from 3:00 P.M. until 6:00 P.M. Work includes light food prep and serving.
To learn more about how you can help or be involved, contact Carly Rowe.