Event Series Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Morning Worship

St. Mark's Episcopal Church 4701 Old French Road, Erie, PA, United States

St. Mark’s offers worship every Sunday at 10:00 A.M. Our worship is blended, combining traditional hymns with popular praise music. Communion is offered every Sunday. Childcare is available during the...

Event Series Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Morning Worship

St. Mark's Episcopal Church 4701 Old French Road, Erie, PA, United States

St. Mark’s offers worship every Sunday at 10:00 A.M. Our worship is blended, combining traditional hymns with popular praise music. Communion is offered every Sunday. Childcare is available during the...

Event Series Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Morning Worship

St. Mark's Episcopal Church 4701 Old French Road, Erie, PA, United States

St. Mark’s offers worship every Sunday at 10:00 A.M. Our worship is blended, combining traditional hymns with popular praise music. Communion is offered every Sunday. Childcare is available during the...

Centering Prayer at the Cathedral

Cathedral of St. Paul 134 West 7th Street, Erie, PA, United States

Does your busy mind cause you anxiety? Do you desire a deeper relationship with God? If so, join us and start the New Year with the practice and discipline of Centering Prayer Meditation. We meet every Thursday from 7:00 P.M. until 8:00 P.M. in the Cathedral.  Contact Dean Melinda for more information.

Event Series Sunday Morning Worship

Sunday Morning Worship

St. Mark's Episcopal Church 4701 Old French Road, Erie, PA, United States

St. Mark’s offers worship every Sunday at 10:00 A.M. Our worship is blended, combining traditional hymns with popular praise music. Communion is offered every Sunday. Childcare is available during the...

Celtic Spirituality Comes to the Cathedral

Cathedral of St. Paul 134 West 7th Street, Erie, PA, United States

Celtic Spirituality Nights are an opportunity to come to awareness of God’s healing and hope-filled presence. Through poetry, reflection, prayer, music, and engagement with the Celtic Spirit, you are invited to discover hope, wholeness, and renewal. The Cathedral will host these evenings on the third Sunday of each month at 5:00 P.M. Come and explore...